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Social Marketer – Facebook Viral Marketing App (Windows)

ONLINE DEMO: You can only schedule one post.

DESKTOP APP: You can schedule up to 7 posts.


You’re a small business owner or marketer and you are searching for a tool which helps you to post your affilate offers, promotions and RSS feeds to multiple facebook groups and pages at once, While you focus on running your business and serving clients? Well, then don’t look any further! This nifty marketing tool includes the ability categorize pages/groups for niche marketing, spin messages so each post looks unque, auto-repeat posts so you can set it and forget it for weeks or months in advance, create viral coupons, video landing pages and more. If you’re looking to bring in more leads, customers and sales for your business on auto-pilot, then check it out. It will help you to save time, money and effort in marketing!


Invite your friends or clients to try Social Marketer!



Schedule posts to individual or all your Facebook pages, groups and categorized lists. You can enter your message, website link, picture/video URL (picture can be hosted on your website, from Flickr, Pinterest etc or YouTube link – the video will be playable on Facebook), promotion name, caption and description. Message and link is only the two required fields. For image posts, you only need to fill the picture and link fields.


You can use Spintax to spin all the fields to post a random message every time. Ex: {Message1|Message2|Message3}, so if you schedule a post to 100+ Facebook groups/pages, a different message is published each time, making it look like you are posting unique content. This helps you to avoid getting banned or blocked on Facebook.

Custom Lists

You can create custom lists which helps you to categorize Pages and Groups — and then post to your custom list with one click. For example, if you joined numerous groups and liked many pages in various niches, instead of manually selecting each group/page to post too, simply create custom lists and select relevant pages/groups to add to a chosen list, then click the checkbox to post to all of them at once, helping you reach a targeted and receptive audience.

RSS Feeds

Schedule your RSS feeds (affilate, blog, pinterest, twitter or linkedin feeds etc) to individual or all your Facebook pages, groups and categorized lists. You can enter your feeds, custom picture/video (or will display picture if feed item has one) and Message. You can even use spintax and redirect the post to your website or landing page.


Posting could be time consuming so Auto-repeat your posts and save countless hours of work and get traffic & engagement for your Facebook pages and groups on auto-pilot. You can edit the post anytime to add more spinned content and let the post just repeat every day, week or month at the interval you choose. Now you can get back to work and let the tool work hard for you 24-7, 365-days a year to build traffic, leads and customers for your business.

Useful Tools

Use Media Search to find pictures or videos from Flickr, Instargram, Youtube etc to use for posts. Use social coupons to turn your fans into a free marketing team by requesting them to share message on Facebook or Twitter to claim the discount, helping you to convert more fans into sales. Use Social Sharer spread your marketing message even further by letting fans easily share your products or promotions via Facebook, Twitter or Linkedin. Use the Youtube Quiz generator to increase traffic, engagement and conversions. Use Social Events to Invite all friends or fans to your Facebook Events (webinars etc) with one click.



Save countless hours of work and get traffic and engagement for your social profiles on auto-pilot. What could take many hours of your time each week can turn into just minutes. It’s a real time-saver.


While you focus on running your business and serving clients, our tools is hard at work promoting your products or services to a target audience to bring in more leads and potential customers for your business.


By publishing your content to targeted groups, you increase your brand awareness. You can monitor brand discussions and send promotions to your target audience to convert fans into customers.


There are millions of niche and industry-related groups – your opportunity to reach your target market! Use the marketing tool to schedule content to all relevant groups at once with one click!


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