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Puerto – Responsive Mega Menu (Navigation and Menus)

Puerto – Responsive Mega menu: is pure HTML5/CSS3 menu. Menu has HTML5 structure and works on all major browsers. Menu is easy to edit and integrate into any website. CSS is separate from HTML and is well commented. Menu has two similar layout and eight colors, each theme can be used separately without any connection with the others. Menu is responsible and adapts to the screen of the device(computer monitor, tablet, mobile phone…). Menu also has five different animation.

Menu works (the main structure is 100% same) on Internet Explorer 9, 8, 7… and a lot of old browsers but animation and some other CSS3 features do not work

Beautiful CSS3 Animations

There are a animation effects based on pure CSS3.

8 Color Schemes

Each color scheme has it’s own css file, that can be easily modified for creation your own colors.

Responsive Design

A fully responsive layout that adapts perfectly for all device resolutions like mobiles, tablets and desktops.

16 Useful Examples

You can use these examples as a base for creation your own navigations simple and fast.

HTML5 and CSS3

Take full advantage of modern web technologies. Semantic HTML markup and standards compliant CSS.


Tested on Windows (Chrome, Firefox, Opera, IE8, IE9, IE10), Mac (Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera), iOS (iPhone, iPad) and Android.

Unlimited Number of Levels

Menu has no limit for nested levels and all of them will be displayed correctly.

Commonly Used Forms

Includes search.


Extensive step-by-step guide to help you with usage and customization.

Lifetime Support

To get support please send me an email through the contact form on my profile page.


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